To make an online donation, just click on this link which takes you directly to my fundraising page.
For those who prefer to write a check, please make it payable to NAMI Greater Orlando and write my name on the memo line.
Mail directly to: Barbara Aikens, NAMI Greater Orlando, 5051 North Lane, Suite 21, Orlando, FL 32808
Please write "In support of Peggy Symons" on the envelope. Every gift is appreciated!
April 27, 2019 Altamonte Springs, Florida
National Alliance on Mental Illness Annual Fundraising and Awareness Walk
It has been a long time since I did any fund raising but at age 65, I am now a witness to a revolution in the way mental illnesses are viewed and therefore treated. I would love to be part of this new hope.
There are many ways to support NAMIs message of hope:
· Come walk with us. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a donation.
· Volunteer to help us on Walk Day.
· Become a voice of advocacy for over 43 million people living with a mental illnesses, including children, who often cannot speak for themselves.
· Join the army of young people bringing mental illnesses out of the shadows of stigma into the full light of understanding and acceptance.
· Learn the warning signs of mental illnesses. (At 65, I am still learning.)
The gifts given in the spirit of NAMI WALKS are not only given they are received. You cannot walk with hope without holding its light.
The visions written into the article “Hope is a Worthy Walk” are the substance of hope and its power to heal. They are the reason I walk with the National Alliance.
Thank you so much, Peggy
The NAMI walk is an organized walk that takes place each year in communities all over the United States in an effort to raise mental health awareness. Members of NAMI and volunteers seek sponsors to make donations to NAMI based upon their participation in the walk. Each NAMI branch generally schedules one walk per year in order to raise funds. Some states have more than one branch of NAMI and hold more than one walk per year such as is the case in Arizona, North Carolina and a few other states.
The NAMI walk takes place on a designated day at a specific time; however, not every state chapter of NAMI has their walk on the same day. Many walkers participate in honor of a loved one with a mental illness and others walk in the name of their company or simply to play a part in spreading the word. Not everyone who walks does so under sponsorship, many people simply walk to show their support for the National Alliance for Mental Illness.
The money that is raised by each chapter of NAMI during their walk goes directly toward providing free resources, support and programs through NAMI to people in need. There is no fee to take part in the NAMI walk; walkers just need to fill in a registration form. Walkers are also given the option of a personalized walk website that they can use to raise money through online donations.
Every journey begins with that first step!
We are proud to be the largest and most successful mental health awareness and fundraising event in America! Through NAMIWalks' public, active display of support for people affected by mental
illness, we are changing how Americans view persons with a mental illness. This is leading to ensuring that help and hope are available for those in need.
Please join us as we improve lives and our communities one step at a time. Every year tens of thousands of concerned citizens in more than 84 communities across the nation will join NAMI and walk together to raise money and awareness about our country's need for a world-class treatment and recovery system for people with mental illness. Need more information? Every walk has a Walk Manager who is the primary contact person for the Walk in your area. Check out this link...
We strongly recommend you register online by visiting Online registration is fast, allows you to fundraise online (allowing others to make donations to you via credit card), meaning you do not have to handle cash or check donations, and you can bypass filling out the paper form. You will also receive a webpage allowing you to personalize it with your story, picture, and videos so you can track your progress. Note: For past walkers, your myNAMI account credentials will not work in this new website. Please register to create a new username and password. Should you want to register offline, contact your local Walk Manager listed on each event’s homepage for more details.
You may register as an individual, join a team, or create a team through the registration process. If the team you are joining is not listed, try searching by entering the first few letters of the team name or contact the Team Captain.
Quick Facts: